I am a Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at Ruhr University Bochum, where I lead the Chair for Security and Privacy of Ubiquitous Systems. I am also a member of the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security, and a Principal Investigator and Dean of Graduate School in the Excellence Cluster CASA .

Previously, I was affiliated as tenure-track Assistant Professor with the Digital Security group at Radboud University (2019-2020) and Software Systems group at Utrecht University (2018), both in The Netherlands. From mid-2015 until 2017, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Digital Security Group at Radboud University. I received my PhD from Deakin University, Australia in 2015.

Research Interests

  • Security and privacy for IoT/Embedded devices
  • User data privacy
  • Privacy engineering; privacy compliance
  • Applications of machine learning for security & privacy
  • Adversarial machine learning

PhD students

Contact Information

Office: MC 4/127
Phone: -
Email: email(at)veelasha.org (preferred)
Twitter: @veelasha_m
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Fingerprint: 3226 DB6D DE6E 9C87 8F55  7FED 1927 F6DF 1C2A B489

Postal Address

Ruhr University Bochum
Chair for Systems Security
MC 4/127
Universitätsstraße 140
44799 Bochum

Information for visitors

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